When Someone Says . . .; What they really mean.
I don’t like to complain but . . .
You can bet that they'll complain about everything, anything, others, and all of the time.
I am going to be completely honest with you about . . .
Watch out they are going to lie like crazy.
It’s not you, it’s me . . .
It’s you.
I don’t want to be picky but . . .
They are going to be extremely picky.
You can trust me . . .
Yeah right, be very careful.
Believe me . . .
Right? It's probably going to be a lie.
It’s not the money, it’s the principle of . . .
It’s the money.
I hate to bother you but . . .
Hey, stop what you’re doing, my needs are more important than yours.
I have a small job for you . . .
Be prepared to spend several days on it.
Please fill out this simple form . . .
It will likely be more difficult than the IRS 1040 long form with business and capital gains
income attachments.
You can afford this easily . . .
You’ll be on your way to bankruptcy.
Got a minute to discuss . . .
More like an hour or two.
Don’t get offended but . . . or Don’t take this the wrong way but . . .
You’re going to be deeply insulted; prepare yourself.
Spouse: I won’t get angry. I just want to know . . .
Your life is in danger.
Please hold, they’ll be right with you . . .
I hope you have a good book to read, several Sudokus or a 1500 piece jigsaw puzzle.
It’s simple to assemble, all you need is . . .
You will need a graduate degree in various engineering fields and a thousand dollars' worth of tools.
Have I got the perfect person for you . . .
Expect worse than the worst you could expect and someone that would make an octogenarian look like a model.
This will only take a little while . . .
You're going to be there for a long while.
This isn’t going to hurt . . .
They’re talking about themselves.
Don’t worry we have everything under control . . .
Worry! It will all come crashing down and they don’t have a clue how to stop it.
The directions are so simple, it will be impossible for you to get lost . . .
Make sure you have your survival kit with you and a GPS locator would be very appropriate.
Let me make a long story short . . .
Get comfortable because you're going to be there for a long time.
You won't be sorry . . .
You'll only get angry and want to kill someone.