For over a half century, I've written down or committed to memory (what little remains) my thoughts and views on life's experiences that challenged, interested, annoyed, frustrated or angered me. I found this to be very helpful in reducing stress and maintaining my sanity, although there are probably a few people that would argue that point. To provide you with some personal facets of what's important to me, I'm including my "Avatar." Some of the details that led me to develop this are at the end of "Getting Feedback and How to Receive it;" it's the italics at the end.
Premise and BeliefsI believe that I have choices, therefore, I am responsible for my outlook and behavior; that the environment, society, and I are interdependent; that physical and emotional health are interdependent; that negative behavior and emotions waste energy and causes sickness; that I must get along with myself to get along in the world. The way I live and behave is proof of my beliefs. Values Which I Hold To Be Essential
ImperativePersonal PhilosophyI will live according to what I believe. I will maintain a balance and synergy with my mental, physical, social, and spiritual selves. I will focus on positive behavior and emotions. I will continue to grow mentally, maximize my physical condition, and dedicate the necessary effort to achieving personal and professional goals, and endeavors. I will be concerned with important things and not make unimportant things important. I will select the most important things that I am capable of doing and focus on them. I will keep things in the correct prospective. I will acquiesce to things I disagree with that I cannot change, and change those I can. I will maintain a positive attitude and sense of humor. I will do the right things, and do them right. When I make a mistake, I will accept it as just that -- a mistake; a small setback. I will learn from it, avoid repeating it, and get on with my life. I will avoid dwelling on the past; I will look to the future. When interacting, I will create an environment that is conducive to open interchange of ideas and feelings. I will use a Win/Win attitude and empathic communication. When discussing or debating controversial issues, I will remain calm, listen, not interrupt, and respond softly and logically. I will control my emotions; particularly when faced with others that are upset or offensive. Except when required as part of a role (parent, supervisor, etc,) I will always relate to and speak about others in a positive and amiable manner; when required to provide input of a negative nature, I will be factual and avoid judgment. I will be concerned and show respect for all species and the environment. To accomplish all that is possible, I must always tell myself, and face, the truth. P. Arthur Stuart /Nov 92 /Rev 12 - May 2024 |
From November of 1992 until I retired, I carried this document in my pocket. I would read it a minimum of once a week, and whenever I got into a conflict or had to make a tough decision. I would ask myself if I were meeting the standards I set. Occasionally I failed. I made no excuses, accepted my failure and worked very hard at not repeating it. Sticking to it became easier and easier. The first few years, I wouldn't share this with anyone. No, not because I thought they would hold me to it, but rather, I needed to do it for myself. Then I would know that I was successful at achieving my goals on my own. By doing it on my own and not at the prodding of others, I was truly mastering myself. Over the years I added more and made minor changes. It became a dynamic document that grew as I grew. I began sharing this with others after I felt comfortable with how I fit it. I haven't been called on it so far.
It has been many years, since I stopped carrying the card. However, I know what My Avatar says and I still follow it. Yes, I do fail from time-to-time, nevertheless I feel I live up to it. I do read it occasionally, to make sure that I'm adhering to my personal standards; I do this at least once a month. June 23, 2019. I have since made an audio, so, I listen to it occasionally.
If you want to give me feedback, click on the Feedback Icon at the end of each page. It will bring you to a page, where you can send me your comments—be they general or page specific. On my BCI pages, I've provided a means for feedback specifically related to this topic and/or to submit a story.
My Pages*
*To understand my perspective, or view point,or how I define something, see my webpage "Establishing a Common Reference Point" ► Indicates the page is available in audio. Note: If you use Microsoft Edge it has a read aloud function. |
My Books Page | 12/30/23 | Books I've written, author information, previews, and availability |
My Amazon Author's Page | 8/7/24 | Author and book information related to books I've listed on Amazon. |
My ![]() | 8/7/24 | Videos I've posted |
BCI | 3/7/09 | My beginning study of the End Behavior. |
BCI Stories | -- | Posted BCI Stories with scoring. |
Am I Stupid or What? - ► | 5/11/18 | Ignoring the signs of a heart attack |
That's Life - ► | 5/18/18 | Life's little lessons and some family humor |
Whenever -- Whatever -- Wherever - ► | 12/23/23 | My sort of BLOG: Note I'm working on item one and the page layout. |
Stupidity - ► | 5/31/22 | A short Treatise on my quest to understand "Human Stupidity." |
We Believe , , , | 1/21/23 | The actual title is, "We Believe What We Want To Believe" |
Truth - ► | 5/31/22 | A short Treatise on my quest to understand "What is true?" |
Quick Shots | 3/30/24 | Items of a somewhat serious nature, if anything I do can be taken serious. Short items of food for thought. Also Odds and Ends. |
Life's Rules - ► | 6/16/18 | The title is self explanatory |
Gift From The Heart | 5/22/18 | Regardless of the market value, gifts that are given and received, that touch us in a personal way, particularly when great effort has gone into making or choosing them, are the best. |
My Venting Page | 9/3/24 | It's exactly that, my page for venting. |
Food for Thought | 4/11/20 | Saying and thoughts to provide inspiration, humor, and most important --- thought |
Food for Thought II | 7/1/22 | Additional saying and thoughts to provide inspiration, humor, and most important --- thought |
You Know You Are Old, When - ► | 5/20/18 | Again, the title is self explanatory |
The Whinery | 8/26/10 | And again, the title is self explanatory |
Parenting - ► | 6/25/19 | Yet another title that is self explanatory |
The Lean-to That Would be a Castle. - ► | 6/7/19 | An excerpt from My letter to God related to my marriage and women in general.
A Pup with No Name - ► | 5/23/18 | How a pup taught me some valuable lessons. |
But I Fell In Love - ► | 5/23/18 | About the Chihuahua that changed my thinking. |
I Couldn't Cry | 9/17/09 | About the loss of my precious Chihuahuas. |
Mickey: A Fun Night - ► | 5/23/18 | The expectant father wakes me up. |
Watching Sport: The Health Effects - ► | 5/23/18 | I believe that "Watching Sports is Good For Your Health." |
Running -- I Finally Got It - ► | 5/24/18 | What got me motivated to jog, lessons learned and what I get out of it. |
To Bra or Not to Bra? - ► | 8/24/19 | Do bras cause cancer? |
Finding the Job - ► | 5/24/18 | An excerpt from Surviving In-Spite of Oneself -- Some suggestion on finding a job and preparing for advancement. |
Getting the Job - ► | 6/20/18 | An excerpt from Surviving In-Spite of Oneself -- This is a guide to preparing applications and for interviews |
Questions Appendix | 5/25/18 | An excerpt from Surviving In-Spite of Oneself -- Typical questions asked on interviews, with sample answers I've used. |
Feedback: Getting and Receiving - ► | 6/20/18 | An excerpt from Surviving In-Spite of Oneself -- Feedback is a valuable tool if you know how to get it and "Take it." |
Does It Make Sense - ► | 6/24/18 | An excerpt from Surviving In-Spite of Oneself -- It's important to make sure something is right when you gut tells you it doesn't make sense. So, If It Doesn't Make Sense -- Check It Out |
Pictures | -- | Some pictures I've taken that some might find interesting. |
New York Lexicon | -- | When I say "Tree, I'm not talking about a plant, I'm talking about a number." |
When Someone Says... | 5/8/13 | Watch out and don't be surprised. |
Old -- Whenever . . . Whatever . . . Wherever | -- | Topics I moved from the Whenever ... Whatever ... Wherever page |
I-glasses Wearer | 4-7-18 | Under Construction: About people that see themselves as the center of the universe. It's under construction. I need to add and arrange but you can get the general idea where I'm going. |
Nice | -- | News items or events that I find warm and cuddly. Short in duration. |
Grow up | -- | Growing Up: The End of childhood fallacies. Meeting the real world. A work in progress. |
Wouldn't It Be Great If | 11/30/11 | Thoughts about a better world, Another work in progress. |
You Need To Watch Out For Me! - ► | 5/10/18 | This page is about safety. It is primarily intended for bicyclist and pedestrians. |
Flag The Official Venting | -- | Under Construction: Sports official piss me off. This is all I can do to vent my frustration with their ineptness. |
Flag The Official -- Stories | -- | Under Construction: Specific blown calls and a score. |
Flag The Official -- To submit a story | -- | Under Construction: Thoughts about a better world |
Poppy and Achi's Place | 11-11-13 | A blog written by two Chihuahua, Poppy and Achi... It saddens me to inform you that they have gone to a better place this year --- 2024 |
Links-Fun and Entertainmen | 1/18/23 | Links that made me laugh, brightened my day, or warmed my heart |
Links-Life and Educational | 1/18/23 | Links that made me laugh, brightened my day, or warmed my heart |