My Venting Page
© September 2024,
P. Arthur Stuart
As the title states, this is my page for venting. For me it's a way of transferring the frustrations I have in dealing with the world; that is people. For the most part, I ignore tripe and BS, and just turn a deaf ear; it's less stressful. The difference between this page and "Food For Thought II" is that these are my views. While I probably will not put forth a true original thought, that is that someone else hadn't had the thought, for me they are original thoughts. If someone else claims originality I'll put it on the "Food For Thought II" page. To understand my perspective, or view point, or how I define something, see my webpage "Establishing a Common Reference Point"
November 2, 2024: One of the guys I know said he knew an old woman that was just right for me. Yeah right, was my response. He said the women he serviced, that is, provide air conditioning repair, said, “What Old Men Want is Money and Nursing.” Hmm, again, yeah right! Of course, after my initial reaction I began to think about it. Before going further let’s eliminate con men, they are definitely after money and nothing else. Okay, let’s consider people like me. I’m retired, in my eighties, and have an income that will sustain me until the end. I own my home, along with the state. There is nothing I want that I can’t get. Actually, there isn’t anything I want that can be bought. I’m also physically fit beyond taking meds for cholesterol and high blood pressure. So, what do I want from a woman companion? Well, I can say it’s not nursing or money. I want someone I can be intimate with both emotionally and after some time, physically. I want someone who would like to do things together—it’s a long list so there is probably a lot we could do and that both of us could enjoy. I would also like to discuss various topics; it is not necessary for her to agree. I learn more from people that disagree with me than I do from those that don’t. Furthermore, I’m not looking to replace my lost love; I just want to have a relationship and let it develop.
October 2024: I was talking with a friend; actually I was doing more listening. He was telling me about his relationships over the years and his marriage. What I got from his remarks was it was more about him and less about whomever he was with. I could empathize with him; I was the same way—it was all about me. When I lost my love, and I did and do love her, I realized if I had made it more about her than me, in the end it would have been better for me. I can say that when she was happy, particularly if I did something, it never failed to make me happy, even when I was mad at her.
Truth: If you cannot believe that you may be wrong, you can never know what is true.
I'm really very proud of myself. The other day a friend said something to one of the other bar attendees, that was sitting across the bar from him. He said the car park in a bad way was probably a democrats car, implying there is something wrong with democrats. He turn to me and said, "Sorry." I guess he concluded from a previous conversation I had with him, that I had to be a democrat because I didn't agree with his political choice. The fact is there are at least two hundred prominent and a myriad number of plain folks republicans that don't agree with his presidential choice. I will state it again, "I'm a non-affiliated." I just smiled.
When will I learn? When will I learn? Although, I initially attempted to avoid talking about politics, my friend said something about a politician. He said, "I feel they can't do the job." I didn't respond. He sensed that I didn't agree with him and wondered, so he pushed me. I should have said I don't talk politics; and left it at that. Unfortunately, I stated several facts about the persons opponent that he ignored and said let’s agree to disagree.
I have found that you cannot discuss politics because people refuse to accept facts, if they do they may have to admit they are wrong. Just so you know on several occasions I was present with information I doubted, rather than discard it or rationalize it away, I researched and found it to be true. Secondly, if they have to accept facts, like the person they are for committed theft or worse, the person will say, "so and so did it" a person in the opposing party, therefore in their eyes it makes it okay. It's the, "If Jimmy can cheat, why can't I?"
Then’s there's the, "let's agree to disagree" with means I only want to talk to someone that agrees with me.
When a person makes a decision based on ONLY DATA they want, they'll get what they deserve.
A political candidate said, I'm paraphrasing, “If you aren't Christian, you can't have values and therefore, you are unhappy.”
I have concluded that nothing brings out bigotry and hypocrisy more than religion.
I'm not a Christian, actually, I'm not sure what my religious beliefs are and I struggle almost daily on what to believe. In my avatar, on my homepage, is a list of values I have and I do my best to follow them; when I do it makes me happy. What I'm saying regardless, if you have religion, are agnostic, or atheist it doesn't matter; people still have good values and are happy.
Nothing brings out Stupidity like politics.
Corollary: Politics and Stupidity is redundant! Also, together they are a 'Tautology'(needless repetition of the same word) or 'Pleonasm.' (The use of more words than are required to express an idea; redundancy.
Nothing brings out bigotry and hypocrisy more than religious zealots.
On second thought, maybe politics is a close second.