P. Arthur Stuart
Victoria: Worlds Apart -- at Amazon -- — Also — - - Google for more choices. To Preview Book on P. A. Stuart Website. Send Comments to: victoria@pastuart.com |
Victoria: Worlds Apart -- Censored -- at Amazon -- This edition of "Victoria: Worlds Apart -- Censored" is for those who have difficulty with sexual intimacy, that is, reading about or viewing. Although, it still doesn’t live up to the standards of a G-rated movie or Hallmark Channel criteria, I would consider it a mild R-rated or possibly PG. The movie might have some above the waist nudity and strong language, which would be up to the script writers and director.
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Victoria: Discovering Love -- at Amazon Victoria: Discovering Love -- Preview Listen to Prologue and Chapters 1 through 3
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Victoria: Coalescing Kindle edition at Amazon Victoria: Coalescing -- Preview Listen to Prologue through Chapter 4
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-- BCI* *The Beginning Study of the End Behavior at Amazon BCI*-- Preview *The Beginning Study of the End Behavior Send Comments to: feedback@pastuart.com |
Twenty-Two Years at Amazon Twenty-Two Years -- Preview Please note that not all browses will work. You may have to download and open in adobe reader Send Comments to: feedback@pastuart.com |
An autobiography of my military career. It's about learning, meeting wonderful (and not so wonderful) people, places I got to travel to, and growing up. The trials and tribulations of being away and at home. I served on six ships and four shore stations. I was station on both coasts and travelled east to the Mediterranean, North to the Arctic, and west to Sri Lanka, when I was there it was Ceylon. It's my mishmash collection of memories about the people, my jobs, and events during my career. For the most part I've remember the brighter spots and some of the lessons I've learn. Lessons we could all learn. |
Life’s Lesson & Other Thoughts
Available at Amazon Life’s Lesson & Other Thoughts is a compilation of my web pages this link will take you to my website homepage. I've put this material from my web pages into book form for those that dislike reading material on a computer screen and like to hold a book/magizine/paper when reading. Please note that I will update this book as I add material to my website. Send Comments to: feedback@pastuart.com |
Entity Kindle, Paperback, and Hardcover available on Amazon Entity-- Preview Listen to Preview -- Proloque through 5
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There’s a blinding flash of light over the North-West region of the United States. Investigations by federal, state, local authorities and civilian adventurers cannot find an explanation. Years later, an Entity arises from nothing, devoid of any knowledge, yet it has unbelievable powers; powers that grow and are capable of doing almost anything imaginable. It is virtually indestructible and possibly capable of ruling the world; is that what it wants? Why is it here and who or what sent it. The Entity begins its journey by collecting data—observing and interfacing with various Earth systems. The Entity, shortly after it comes into existence, meets a female biologist and bonds with her; their adventure begins. She raises the question, “Do you want to dominate the world?” Does he? And will she join him if he does or will she try to destroy him? What is the Entity after? In its search, they travel to distant worlds. Worlds where they find life, both similar and different from what they know. Who or what are Xypior, Qaydz, Agehya, and Hę:gweh? What part does Makoyi serve? |
Dear God! Woman? Kindle edition available on Amazon Send Comments to: feedback@pastuart.com |
What we have here is a failure to communicate. Love, marriage, and communications: from a male perspective? Married for fifty-three plus years to the woman that I wanted, only I couldn’t see it. Strong and independent, I thought, yet she was bound to me, perhaps we are soul mates; I sure hope so. This is a one sided prospective on the frustrations of dealing with my wife before I grew up. In truth the things she did were frustrating, yet they made her what she was. Funny, we may think men want a “Stepford Wife,” but we don’t. There is no fun in life if it’s always predictable. Having intimacy with a robot, or an unmoving, emotionless partner that just lets you, is equivalent to masturbating. There are good times and not so good times. I've learned that life is an ongoing struggle. A struggle to learn, survive, and eventually understand. While there is no doubt that I could have done better, I think she could have also contributed. Perhaps, if I did better, she might have also. Point of all this is that someone has to start! My hope is that you can learn from my mistakes and from her behavior before it’s too late. As the cliché goes, "It Takes Two to Tango." |